♥️ Heart Suit emoji

♥️ meaning - Heart Suit

Heart suit emoji is definitely the commonly most used emoji, as it not only portrays the love and all the things that the love is associated with but also makes it for a great symbol to express your feelings in every situation possible. Send it to your mum, she’ll appreciate it, or send it your girlfriend and she will appreciate it. This is the most universal emoji ever as it is used to show that you’re grateful, or happy or simply someone that shares love. Wherever you go, this emoji follows and the sooner you get used to the better.

Copy and paste Heart Suit emoji

Copy and paste ♥️ with one click!    
Tweet with this button
Use shortcode : :hearts:
Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Heart Suit emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : Heart Card Heart Suit Hearts can be represented by ♥️ emoji.

Examples of ♥️ emoji :

I have so incredibly great people in my life ☺️♥ ️Every single one of them makes my existence a bit better!
Soon it starts with regular streams! I'm so happy 😍♥ ️
Find out what makes you happy and do it again and again. 💭🍃♥ ️
this world is too stubborn for me, I am wanting a ⚓️better one ♥ ️⚓️
._. could not be there ... all the best to you ♥
Although not the best date, but celebration still nice and enjoy the day! ♥ ️😇
Had now the most beautiful weekend you can imagine 😎♥ ️

How Heart Suit emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

but currently not supported in LG

Heart Suit may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Heart Suit emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Heart Suit can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in LG. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Heart Suit emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.

History of Heart Suit emoji

This is one of the first emojis introduced in Unicode 1.1 in July, 1995 which was after several years added to very first version of Emoji 1.0 in August, 2015. Heart Suit emoji appeared on iOS 5.0, Android 4.3, EmojiOne 1.0 for the first time.

Heart Suit in other languages

LanguageShort Name
SpanishTraje de corazón
FrenchCoeur Costume
RussianКостюм Сердца
ItalianAbito a cuore
PortugueseFato de Coração

What is the code of Heart Suit emoji?

Unicode : U+2665
Hex Code
Code Point(s):    2665
HTML Entity:   ♥
UTF-8: E2 99 A5, EF B8 8F
UTF-8 (C): E2 99 A5, EF B8 8F
UTF-16: 0x2665, fe0f
UTF-16 (C): 0x2665, 0xFE0F
UTF-32: 2665
UTF-32 (C): 0x00002665
Decimal Code
Code Point(s): 9829, 65039
HTML Entity: ♥️
UTF-16: 9829, 65039
UTF-32: 9829, 65039
Octal Code
UTF-8: 342 231 245, 357 270 217
Other developer codes:
PHP: "\xe2\x99\xa5,\x\xef\xb8\x8f"
Python: u"\U0002665"
Java, C++, C: "0x2665, \uFE0F"

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